Birmingham, AL December 2, 2019Pack Health today announced the launch of an HIV Prevention Program that provides personalized coaching, sexual health education, and support to reduce the risk of HIV infection for individuals nationwide.

Approximately 1.1 million people are living with HIV and 50,000 new cases occur annually in the United States. Sexual transmission accounts for most new cases of HIV. However, HIV risk can be addressed with education around the disease and behavior modifications. With this new program, Pack Health aims to inform, advise, and assist individuals on HIV, the associated risks, and ways to mitigate those risks.

“Sexual health and HIV risk can be difficult topics to discuss. Our approach of working to build a relationship between a member and a dedicated Health Advisor is a great way to break down those barriers to having meaningful conversations,” explains VP of Member Services M’Kayl Lewis. “Through weekly calls and personalized follow up, we’ll work to make information and resources more accessible for individuals at risk of HIV while also helping them achieve their personal health goals.”

Pack Health received a grant to develop this program and engage up to 500 patients at risk of acquiring HIV. Pack Health has partnered with clinics, testing centers, community organizations, and online resource hubs for the development and distribution of this program. The program will track PROMIS mental and physical health scores, responses from the PHQ-4 Depression and Anxiety questionnaire, and SSBQ scores to assess and measure impact on participants’ behavioral risk factors, health self-efficacy, and overall quality of life.



About Pack Health

Pack Health is a digital health coaching platform that integrates evidence-based content, metrics, and devices to deliver highly personalized human-to-human support. The high touch engagement model is proven to increase access, improve experience, and drive better health outcomes for individuals with chronic conditions. This translates to ROI for clients in each industry vertical, including health systems, health plans, and employers. To learn more visit

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